Subjects: HistoryIndustrial revolutionScience and TechnologyChemistryPrimary Content: About 500,000 images of the development of the Chemical Industry at both Billingham and Wilton ICI on Teesside dating from WW1 to c1999Date Range: 1914-1999Is your collection accessible to the public?: YesOpening hours (if applicable): Mon - Fri 9-5, also certain weekends (all by appointment)Contact DetailsJulian L Harrop Licensing InfoCopyright Status: I am not the copyright holder, but confirm that permission has been obtained for their use and display in the PCN collections database and on its website.Do you own the copyright in your collection?: Yes, my organisationBasic, non-commercial licence in place?: YesDo you have the facility to license images from your collection to external parties?: Yes Photographic Processes: B&W / historic negative imagesColour negativesColour transparenciesColour printeDigital images