Primary Content:
Davey Pearson (1953-2003) was born in Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne. His collection of political photographs begin with the minors strike in 1984 and subsequently record May Day parades, the Durham Minors' Gala, political demonstrations and marches both around the UK and in Paris. The images also have a lighter side through visits to the Edinburgh Festival, the Notting Hill carnival and general street life of the period. The week before Davey died, in February 2003, he was in London protesting against the war in Iraq and his last photos were of that protest.
The collection of approximately 60,000 images consists of black and white prints and negatives (Davey had his own darkroom in his Newcastle flat) and commercially processed colour negatives, prints and transparencies. Following his death the collection was given to the Ouseburn Trust on permanent loan to complement their heritage work. Work is ongoing by Trust volunteers to digitise, catalogue, conserve and make accessible the collection.
Opening hours (if applicable):
Monday to Friday 9-5 by appointment