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Contact Us

Use the form below to get in touch. Please note the following:

  • PCN does not hold or own any photo collections, or archives. If you are looking for a particular type of work, or a licence, we suggest you look for a relevant photo library, for example one registered with BAPLA.
  • If you don't hear back from us quickly or your message is urgent, please contact us again, we receive a lot of emails for a small team of staff - we do want to hear from you.


Q. Why have I not heard anything after I've registered or signed up?

A. Check for an email with Photographic Collections Network in the title. It might have gone to spam.

Q. How do I get a password after I've signed up?

A. You'll get an email prompting you to set one. If you didn't or have forgotten, click Forgotten Password? and enter the email you subscribed with.

Q. What's the difference between subscriber and registered user?

A. None, except that a registered user has a password. To get one, just click Forgotten Password? and enter the email you subscribed with.

Q. What does a particular error message mean?!

A. Please send us a screen shot, along with the URL where you got the message, if possible.

Q. What's your phone number?

A. We have an answering service through Redeye on 0845 456 0260. It will take us a few days to respond to phone messages as we are not in the office every day. Email, or this contact form, is usually quicker.


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